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FOSSASIA是一個利用多元廣泛的技術,致力於開發能促進社會轉型的軟體應用程式的組織。FOSSASIA成立於2009年,我們的專案範圍包含自由軟體、開放原始碼軟體、設計、圖形、以及硬體。FOSSASIA也組織並參與多個聚會、活動、大型會議及程式營。每年舉辦的FOSSASIA Summit以及OpenTechSummit為亞洲區知名的大型開發者聚會,舉辦地點包含越南、柬埔寨和新加坡。請關注我們在 GitHub. 分享的專案,歡迎加入並開始一起貢獻。







FOSSASIA組織中的成員來自亞洲中許多不同國家。我們想看到在亞洲以及每一個角落的人們都有進步及改善。我們是一群希望透過學習、分享各自的想法、創造並製作數位軟體或硬體的工具來造福人群的開發者、設計師、活動主辦人及貢獻者。FOSSASIA於2009年由 Hong Phuc DangMario Behling創辦。


最好關注FOSSASIA的方法是,請訂閱 newsletter 。如果想直接和社群的人們溝通的話,請關注FOSSASIA在google group的 mailing list。或者,請利用list of contact points 的方式來和FOSSASIA的核心成員們及相關專案負責人或單位保持聯繫。

我們特別希望尋找對於我們的專案有興趣並能夠貢獻,或是有新應用想法的開發者們。我們在Github上有許多專案: FOSSASIA repository,麻煩請關注並試著開始貢獻。

Contact ListNewsletter Mailing List


自從2009年開始, FOSSASIA Summit 在亞洲許多不同城市舉辦。歷年舉辦城市有 CambodiaHo Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam and Singapore 等地方,總共有超過3000人以上參與。在FOSSASIA許多活動中,我們致力也達成性別的平等,幾乎半數的參加者為女性。而其他和FOSSASIA相關的活動,如 Mini-Debconf Vietnam,  LGMGNOME.AsiaHackerspace 在新加坡的Meetings in Singapore, 中國的LUG meetups in China,  在柬埔寨首都金邊的活動:TYPO3  。還有OpenDesign.Asia Weeks, the Chaos Communication Congress, the Berlin OpenTechSummit 系列.....等等

FOSSASIA Coding Programs and Travel Support

FOSSASIA participates in the Google Summer of Code and in the Google Code-In program as an umbrella organization for projects and developers in Asia and supports exchanges of selected FOSSASIA core developers through travel grants. A list of mini-projects and ideas for summer projects is at:

FOSSASIA Activities


Coding Programs

FOSSASIA organizes local, regional and global developer trainings and cooperates with partners in programs such as Google Summer of Code. Please join us and browse our open issues, mini-projects and GSoC ideas.


Open Source Event Management for Developer Meetups and Conferences

For many years we organize the FOSSASIA OpenTechSummit, Science Hack Days and meetups. And, for many years we were looking for a good event management and ticketing solution, that is Open Source. As there was no solution that suited our needs in 2015 we started to develop the Open Event solution We would be happy if it is useful for you too!


Software and Hardware Development

We develop applications for Science hack labs, software applications for events, community engagement and open data tools, and we support existing projects with resources. Check out the FOSSASIA Labs for more info.

FOSSASIA Representation

The FOSSASIA organization cooperates with supporting companies and organizations around the world. The FOSSASIA PTE LTD. (201702892N) registered in Singapore represents FOSSASIA projects legally as an official organization, including its projects and the community in any matters, enquiries and before court.

FOSSASIA needs your support to continue the work for sharing of knowledge, code and design, organizing events and meetups and to keep our network running.

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